Why Buy Video Games on Disc Rather Than Online Versions?
You may have heard about purchasing video games for your Ps4 PlayStation, Xbox, or other games console in digital format, however there are many negatives for doing this and many positives to sticking with the method of physical game purchases. With a physical game, you can hold the copy in your hand whereas the online version is stored within the system itself. Here are some reasons why the physical copy is better…
1. You can transfer it to different devices
If your friend wants to borrow one of your games, or if you are going to their house to play and you specifically want to use your game without logging into your account; then a disc is good because it is easily transferable to different devices. With a digital online copy, you cannot do this, as it is stored within your account and therefore remains attached to that forever.
2. You can sell hardcopy discs
If you decide that you are finished with a particular game then rather than just forget about it, you can make some of your money back by selling it. If you had a digital copy however you wouldn’t be able to do this because you couldn’t sell the game without somehow selling your whole account? Trading is also an option, so rather than sell for money you can trade it in for a different game.
3. You can get discounted discs
Rather than having to pay the full price for a new digital game, you can purchase games cheaper on the resell market. Sometimes you can find used games in perfect condition, for more than half the original price! And if you didn’t want a used game, then sales arise all the time for brand new discs, granted not as big of a discount, but still a sufficient saving. With digital games on the other hand, you have to abide to the pricing of the manufacturer…often at a premium when compared to retailer discounts.
4. You own the game
This point may seem a bit obvious, however in terms of comparing with digital games it is really significant. As stated in many gaming license agreements, the digital game you are purchasing is ‘licenced’ to you, not ‘sold’ to you. This basically means that the manufacturer has the right to delete and remove the game from your account if it is ever necessary. For example, if they take it out of market, they have the right to remove it from your account. This is not the case with a disc version, because you have the physical game and they cannot take that away from you.
At Cash@Maxxyou can buy and sellvideo games for all console types, and benefit from all of the listed advantages above. Whether you are after pre-owned or band-new games we can provide a huge range of products for all console types. Visit www.cashatmaxx.com for more details.